This web site is organized into various groups of web pages. The most important are those that I call "Family Detail Pages." These (see sample near bottom of the page) detail the history of a Johnson family or individual, in this case James Claude, Sr., his wife and his children. They also contain pictures, headstones, and interesting data on the individuals. These pages are the heart of the web site.  They contain individual information, pictures and stories about the Johnson family members.


 You can reach the family/individual detail pages in a number of ways.


Purpose: to find any person with a Johnson surname.

If you know the individual Johnson you are looking for you can go into the Index and they are alphabetized by first names.

For example:

JOHNSON, John Claude, Sr. b: 1 NOV 1891 d: 11 MAY 1980

Also listed is the birth date and date of death so you can be sure this is the relative you want. Just click on the blue url and you will be taken to either a family page where that person is mentioned as a child or to an individual page if there is more detailed information on that individual.




Purpose: to see the family tree laid out in one overall view.

I have created a series of charts of all the Johnson families who make up this website.  It is the best way to get a quick overview of the entire ancestoral history of the Johnson families.  I have broken it down into three areas:

1668 to 1784

If you click on the blue URL for generation one "1 William (1640-1678)" it will take you to the detail page for William and Alice or you can click on either of the children, William or John and it will take you to their detail page. If you want to skip to generation two you can click on "2 John (1675-1745). For generation three click on 3 John (1710-1767) and finally for generation four click on "4 Leonard (1747-1801).

     ...+Alice (1645-1678)
     .....2 William Johnson (1668-1696)
     .....2 John Johnson (1675-1745)
     ........+Mary (?)
     ..........3 Peter Johnson
     ..........3 Thomas Johnson
     ..........3 Leonard Johnson
     ..........3 Jesse Johnson
     ..........3 Mary Johnson
     ..........3 Susanna Johnson
     ..........3 John Johnson (1710-1767)
     .............+ Eleanor
     ...............4 Mile
     ...............4 John
     ...............4 Sarah
     ...............4 Thomas Bennet
     ...............4 Leonard Johnson (1747-1801)
     ................ + Mary Howard
     ...............4 Peter
     ...............4 Joseph

1784 to 1825

The same process can then be used for generation five which has its own chart. This is John and Sarah Drury Johnson. This family forms a bridge between the early ancestors and the present. Their four male heirs are used to trace forward to the present day.

1825 to PRESENT

I have created individual charts for the four male heirs of John & Sarah Drury Johnson (there was a fifth but he has no living descendants).  All four of these brothers have numerous living descendants and each deserves his own chart.  We are now moving into the more modern era where we know a great deal more about the individual ancestors and the charts are more complex. Clicking on the charts marked "URIAH - and Descendants" will bring up a chart of Uriah Johnson's descendants right up to the present day. The same is true for the other four brothers.

Uriah  - Joseph S. - Hillery E. - William E.


Purpose: to find any non Johnson surnamed individual on the website

If you believe you know a Johnson relative and know their surname you can access the surname index.  Once there you can click on the appropriate surname and you will be shown a list of everyone with that surname on the website.  Click on the person's name and you will be taken to their page on the website. For example:

You know a Patricia Wentworth is related to Evelyn Johnson.  Scroll down the surname list to:

WENTWORTH [4] < click here

Click on Wentworth and you are shown the following list:

Wentworth, Robert

Wentworth, Patricia < click here for Patricia

Wentworth, David


Purpose: To see the family tree laid out in basic form

I have listed all the individuals on this web site with WorldConnect which is a separate site. Click on the button and you will be taken to that site. WorldConnect is not tied into my individual pages but it is still useful for findings individuals or searching by surname. Searching by surname is important, for example, if the person you are looking for is not a Johnson but married to a Johnson. Once you get to a surname you will find all individuals with that surname referenced. The WorldConnect pages are not detailed usually just giving the parents and the names of their children. If you wanted detailed information then use my INDEX or CHART pages.


Now lets assume that you found a family you are looking for. In this case, John Claude Johnson, and his wife and children. Clicking on the parents of the individual (John Claude Johnson, son of John Alexander & Mary Ann Hayes) will take you back to his or her parents. In this case back to . Clicking on the children (if they have a blue url such as John Spencer,Sr.) will take you forward to the detail page for that child. If there is no blue url there is no detail page for that child (as where no information is known beyond birthdate.) By clicking on either the parents or children you can thus navigate backwards and forwards in time. Click on Table of Contents to be taken back to the main page for the website. Click on Family Tree to see the family tree for Joseph Stephen Johnson, of whom John Claude was a descendant. Click on the picture of the gravestone to enlarge it.




There are also general pages on History, the churches and cemetery listings, and for a Bibliography. The Church and Cemetery pages are useful because I have taken the cemetery listings and created a link between them and the Family detail pages. For example, if you go to St. Joseph's Cemetery you will see various individuals listed. Any individual with a blue url has a detail page which you can reach by clicking on that page.

Table of Contents